
In recent years, lightning strikes have become an increasingly normalized event in places of worship. These strikes have damaged building structures and irreplaceable cultural items while creating situations which have caused dangerous circumstances for the occupants. 

Lightning protection is growing in popularity amongst places of worship across Atlantic Canada. When we install a system, we design it to minimize any appearance on the building as not to impact the building's aesthetic. When designing your system, you will have the choice of a traditional style system with larger rods, tripod stands and glass balls, or a modern style with smaller, less visible rods.  Our systems ensure that each building section receives adequate grounding and protection against a strike no matter the system design that you chose. 

Due to the recent increase in strikes, many insurance companies require that places of worship have a system that meets the requirements of the CSA B72-20. If you are looking to have a new system installed, or an old one inspected, call us today for a free quote. 

Our Church Installations